NPI Lookup Tool for Pharma & Medical Device Manufacturers
Effortlessly verify NPI license data and more to drive informed commercial and compliance engagements with Healthcare Providers (HCPs) for Aggregate Spend (Sunshine Act) reporting.

30M Record National Provider Database
28 HCP Professional Designation Types
Trusted by 700+ Life Sciences Customers

Quick-search and Filter by Detailed Profile Attributes
Eliminate manual pulling of HCP National Provider Identifier (NPI) records from the NPPES NPI Registry with MedPro’s 30M record national provider database.
Automatically append NPI Data with accurately sourced HCP Name & Address, SLN, Specialty & Taxonomy, OIG Sanctions data and more via our real-time lookup or NPI API validation solutions.
With the NPI Lookup Tool, manufacturers can enhance efficiency further through quick-search and filtering by detailed profile attributes.
Whether through real-time lookup or NPI API validation solutions, the NPI Lookup Tool ensures that manufacturers have access to comprehensive and reliable data, enabling them to make informed decisions and streamline compliance processes effectively.
Streamline Transparency Reporting Efforts
Capture all key licensing and demographic data attributes required for US Federal Open Payments (Sunshine Act), State, and Local Aggregate Spend reporting requirements.
Enrich NPI data with integrated information acquired directly from hundreds of State Licensing Boards for a trusted, single source of truth for improved data governance.
Backed by a premier, US-based, customer service team trusted by more than 750 Life Sciences organizations today.
By streamlining transparency reporting efforts, the NPI Lookup Tool enables manufacturers to capture essential licensing and demographic data attributes necessary for compliance with US Federal Open Payments (Sunshine Act) regulations, as well as State and Local Aggregate Spend reporting requirements.

Customer Testimonials
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Try our NPI Lookup tool two weeks free! Plus, we’ll validate any size customer test file for a no-cost, no obligation data match review.